Lupus Care Pack

18 thoughts on “Lupus Care Pack”

  1. Hi Cory,

    I was at the lupus conference yesterday and was touched by the care pack – in fact my joints were aching so much by the end of the day I had an Epsom salt bath before I went to bed which did much to relieve the soreness. I also slept with the heat pack (without heating it up) next to my pillow because the lavender smell is heavenly. I had the best sleep I’ve had in a long time. Thank you so much for the goodies. So much thought and effort was put into pulling this altogether. All the best.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Al,

      Thank you very much for your kind words of encouragements. I am glad that the items are useful for you 🙂 I love the lavender heat pack too!! My sister bought me a fuzzy sheepie one from the same company for Christmas last year :). I really was struggling that day, the program was quite long, I think, and not very Lupie friendly because I started getting migraines and had to resort to neurofen. :S Oh well! We got through it!!!

      Keep in touch and spread the word, I still have about 70 bags to giveaway!!



  2. I am overwhelmed with the Care Pack and immediately bathed in epsom salts and snuggled up with the lavender heatbag n tea. Who knew that this gesture could mean so much to me? The fact that kind people created this thoughtful Care Pack reduces me to happy grateful tears. I’m looking forward to showering in mint tomorrow & having another soothing cuppa. Many thanks ❤

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    1. Hi Colleen. I am so glad that the pack was received rather quickly… because Australia Post is notorious for taking their time with delivery of letters!!! I am glad it is not the case with Parcel posting.

      I am so grateful and so happy to hear that the items in the pack made a difference in your life, even just momentarily.



    1. Hello Iris! Thank you very much for your comment and feedback. It gives me a lot of smile and happiness to know what it means to you. And I am so glad the parcel arrived so quickly even with all the cyclone business in QLD!! xx


  3. Hi Corry. Thank you so much for the care pack, it includes everything to make me feel better! It’s just what I need to help me push through the bad days. You’re generosity is inspiring, and I wish you all the best in this project. Take care and stay well xoxo.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Corry, Thank you so much for my care pack. I have fibromyalgia and SlE, this care pack certainly came at a good time, loving the lavender wheat bag definately one of my favourite’s, enjoying the peppermint tea and the shower gel is great on an aching body, still yet to try the epsom salts. such a kind and thoughtful gesture from you, but also lovely packaged with the purple butterfly, maybe only a small thing but all this was greatly appreciated. Your certainly one amazing person to do this with all your help and your sponsor’s help it will make a difference for a lot of people like myself. Thank you so much!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ThAnkyou gorgeous lady. I received my care pack yesterday. I have had the worst month ever with both lupus and fibromyalgia pain and now I’ve injured my back . The items were so thoughtful and exactly what I needed. After a Epsom salt bath and the beautiful body wash I put my pyjamas on had a peppermint tea and fell asleep with my beautiful smelling heat pack. You are an angel. ThAnkyou, it’s the most thoughtful gift I have ever received ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Corry. Many many thanks for this generous initiative. My pack arrived at a stressful time with disease progression and it put a smile on my face. In this crazy world we live in it is nice to know that there are still caring souls among us. Stay well xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Thank you so much for my care package I’m in love with the heat pack and the mint shower wash
    I use the heat pack every night would be lost without it
    Thank you to all the kind peopLe who donate and make up these packs

    Thank you ever so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thank you for my care package, what a beautiful person you are Corry for sending out these bags of love to us all. I have recently been diagnosed with Lupus and at present don’t think I suffer like others but I have had a few lovely relaxing bath with the epsom salt. Once again thank you and I am sending a donation through to you to continue the care packs.


    1. Hi Tania! Thank you very much for your donation. It has enabled me to purchased 8 extra mini care packs for the extra requests that I received xxx 😀 Your support and generosity goes a long long way!! Hope you are well!


  9. Just want to say a huge thank you for my care pack- it’s been truly helpful especially due to a recent lupus flare after the sudden death of my dad. It’s been an exceptionally hard time but dialing in a bath to soothe my pain, using the heat pack over my neck/shoulders & my love of peppermint tea is helping me through ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Catherine, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It never gets easier, but time makes it just a little bit more bearable. Thinking of you in this time of loss. And thank you so much for your feedback, I am so glad to hear what these items have been able to provide you. Take care xx


  10. Thank you so much for my Lupus Care Package! It brightened my whole day. Thanks and gratitude to your generous donars, I hope they understand how much of a difference gestures like these mean to people with Lupus 💜🦋


  11. Thank you so much for the care pack! I am so very appreciative! My mum is also visiting at the moment and she too has lupus! We’re both here enjoying a cup of Peppermint Tea and she isutilising the hot pack on her feet which are quite painful atm! So on behalf of us both, thank you. It is lovely knowing we are not on this journey alone and that people out there care xoxox


  12. Thank you so much for the care pack! I am so very appreciative! My mum is also visiting at the moment and she too has lupus!

    We’re both here enjoying a cup of Peppermint Tea and she isutilising the hot pack on her feet which are quite painful atm! So on behalf of us both, thank you.

    It is lovely knowing we are not on this journey alone and that people out there care xoxox


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